Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer 2011

So far this summer has been jam packed! First, Chris and Cristina and family came to visit us in May. We went to the beach and aquarium and had a great time!

David loved the beach especially the sand! It was like getting permission to play in the mud!

Dave and I went to Ohio to visit my Dad, then to Notre Dame, IN to meet our daughter Julia at her 10 year college reunion, then we traveled on to Iowa to see Julia's new home.

My Dad and I on our first visit through Ohio.

Dave and Josephine at the Ankeny splash park.

Julia and baby Lillian catching some rays and sprays.

Dad and Julia go for the big bucket dump! Bet that was cold!

Julia, Josephine and I at the gym.

After a lovely week there, we traveled back to my Dad's house in Ohio. He was not doing well, so we stayed on an extra week to help get him in a better situation. We got some wonderful ladies who come in twice a day to help and things are much better.

The day after we got home, the DeAngelos arrived! We also went to the beach and aquarium and just spent time together. It was a lovely visit.

Bella teaching my dogs to do tricks!

Jack chillin' with his dinos.

Isabella left us clues to follow to find where she was hiding

It worked! We found her!

Dave and Bella out the beach! She loved it! Jack, not so much...

Nick and Bella looking at frogs at the NC aquarium.
Dave, Elizabeth and Jack with an alligator.

Jack was mesmerized by the large fish in the giant aquarium.

The day they left, Dave had to call the rescue squad for his brother-in-law as he found him non-responsive in his home. Dallas has been in intensive care for several days now. Dave's sister's children have come to town to help out and we have been hosting our nephew and his family while they are here.
Jeremy and his son, Asah.

Rachel and her daughter, Shomrah.

Dave's sister, Sarah after  having a nice family meal at our house.

We have also had to contend with smoke from Wildfires in the area the past two-three weeks. The result has been bad air and weird smokey skies.

One evening around 4-5pm I took these shots. The colors were eerily orange due to the fire and smoke.

My daughter, Kate and her family are hoping to come for a visit some time soon as well...probably as soon as we have rooms available at the Reintjes' Inn! :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Nice to see the Johnson's. I wish we could come back for a bit. :) I had a great time.